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Parade of Safari Ramadan 1437 Biak

24 Jun 2016

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Biak (21/6) -  09.00 WIT, the opening Safari Ramadan 1437 H conducted in Biak Kota District Office. The opening was attended by the General Manager of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport, the officials representing the District Head of Biak, the villages head of Biak District, leaders of Orphans Foundation in Biak, and citizens of five villages and 2 districts in Biak, the villages including Swapodibo, Karyendi, Manswam, Kababur, Ambroben, and the district from Mandala and Karang Mulia. General Manager gave a speech to the people who were participating in securing the airport. "Frans Kaisiepo Airport is an airport with International status. The standard used in its airports is international operations. Do not let this be the traditionally airport that airports only be traversed by large airplanes will be." He stressed.

Safari Ramadan 1437 is the realization of the program “BUMN Present to Country”, held simultaneously on June 24, 2016 all state companies in all regencies / municipalities in Indonesia. PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) became PIC for this activity in 14 locations, namely 12 districts in Maluku province, one district in Kupang, and 1 in Biak city.

This activity coupled with the event giving donations to several foundations orphans and socialization on aviation safety presented by Safety & Health Environment Management Section Head, Leonard R. Sahertian. "We expect that citizens can participate in helping the airport in creating conditions conducive to the flight." Leonard said.

At the end of Safari Ramadhan activities held bazaar for the citizens. The communities who have been waiting then began to move toward the market's tent. Within a few hours the whole package bazaar had been distributed to the public. Package cost market was sold for 25.000, - consisting of 10 kg rice, 2 kg of sugar and 2 liters of cooking oil. A total of 500 packages have been sold to the public and donations have been distributed to 100 orphans from orphanages foundations and 3 1 boarding school. [BIK PR]


  • follow the "Arrival" and "Baggage Claim"
  • Check the information screen on the Conveyor Belt to your flight
  • If the lost luggage, you can contact the staff at the airline counter Lost and Found
  • Available facilities trolley in the baggage claim area.
  • If needed, you can use the services of a porter to help carry luggage