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On Celebrating the 52nd Anniversary of PT. Angkasa Pura I, FIA BIK Holds Variety Competition and Social Action

23 Feb 2016

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Biak (23/02) -  PT. Angkasa Pura I Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport introducing the latest mascot marketing logo "FIA", Frans Kaisiepo International Airport, ready to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The FIA ​​has prepared various competitions, tournaments and social action to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero.

On February 11, 2016, the FIA ​​carried out acts of Blood Donation held in Meeting Room of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport. The action was carried out by all employees of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) and supported by the Community of Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport succeed to collect 50 Blood Bags.

The blood donor social action is an annual event held by PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in the event welcomes the 52nd anniversary. ​​This action was implemented as a manifestation of solidarism Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport to the public.

Futsal Tournament which was held from February 6 to 17, 2016, followed by eight Futsal Clubs consisting of three FIA ​​club and five club of the airport community. On the futsal final night, 17 February 2016, before the start of the final match title race 3 & 4 and 1 & 2, starting with the Exhibition match of futsal women. Laugh and shouts of excitement flooded the whole stadium futsal. On the first place were Aviation Security FIA Club, Second Place PTN Club, Third Place FIA Club and Exhibition Games won by Angkasa Pura I A consisting of FIA Administration women employee.

Photo contest also held for coloring the anniversary activities of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) this time. Photo contest raised “Biak Tourism” background was intended to introduce the richness in Biak travel to the entire public at large.

10K competition, championship run 10 Km held for children of SMA and SMK Biak. February 17, 2016, 15.45 WIT competitions began with start flag being raised by the Secretariat of Biak Numfor. A total of 54 participants ran along the streets of Biak, six runners with the fastest time of acquisition outperformed his opponents, with the score 30 minutes the fastest time achieved by Yohannes Sroyer of SMK YPK 2 Biak. Following behind him, were Yan Frits Sanadi, Jefri Sabarofek, Nicanor Rumbiak, Emmanuel Sroyer, and Yoel Wakum. Later, the first winner of this 10K will be sent to follow events in Manado Airport 10K series.

Anjangsana, a visit, held on 18 February 2016 by PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to distribute groceries to two foundations in Biak. Bina Netra Foundation and Hidayatullah Foundation both got attention from General Manager in his speech, said, “The 52nd anniversary of Angkasa Pura I is not solely held by the frenetic festive activities, but also with the spirit of sharing the love, a kind of concern to the fellow.

Fun bike held on February 19, 2016. At 15.00 WITT, fun bike participants had gathered at the terminal yard of Frans Kaisiepo Airport. Recorded approximately 100 participants enliven this fun bike activity. The participants were representatives of the airport community Biak Frans Kaisiepo.

The next morning, February 20, 2016 held Fun walk Color. Fun walk color was the first done in Biak. The color used was holy powder is safe because it does not use hazardous chemicals. Fun walk activity was more lively color with the door prize of one unit motorcycle. Various door prizes will be drawn with some interspersed fun games which have been prepared by the committee.

In the evening, February 20, 2016, the anniversary reception held. The participants of reception using Cowboy theme dress code so that the guests can use the creation itself with cowboy-style clothing. Plaid shirt, jeans, and cowboy-style brimmed hat became an important icon in this event.

In each of its activities, the General Manager did not stop to hum the FIA ​​as a marketing icon Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport. According to him the word of Frans Kaisiepo is not easy to use in speech and writing. Not everyone is easy to pronounce and write, even more common mistake in naming. Then launched the FIA, Frans Kaisiepo International Airport, which Lombok International Airport has been using LIA, Lombok International Airport. However, the FIA ​​initiated not to change or replace the airport code that has been internationally designated as where the ICAO code for Frans Kaisiepo Airport is BIK. And in the field of Administrative and logos that guide international airport Frans Kaisiepo marker unchanged. FIA just a marketing icon that come from creative ideas of employees of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) service Biak Frans Kaisiepo to further attract the interest and attention of society to the development of the Frans Kaisiepo Biak Airport.

For closing of the entire events chain of 52nd Anniversary of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero), PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Frans Kaisiepo Biak Airport implement ceremony to commemorate to 52nd PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) and going on pilgrimage to the Heroes Cemetery.

The whole series of 52nd anniversary events PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has been implemented very well. All levels of management, 52nd anniversary committee, and employees of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Frans Kaisiepo Biak Airport say “Happy Birthday on the 52nd PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero)”, hopes "No Airports Left Behind", which carried as theme of 52nd anniversary PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) may be realized, so that Biak could preen and become one of the airports that align with other major airports. [BIK PR]


  • follow the "Arrival" and "Baggage Claim"
  • Check the information screen on the Conveyor Belt to your flight
  • If the lost luggage, you can contact the staff at the airline counter Lost and Found
  • Available facilities trolley in the baggage claim area.
  • If needed, you can use the services of a porter to help carry luggage